Monday, October 20, 2008

Ok, now it's time for a fucking riot.

BYU yanks diploma for ex-Mormon calendar-maker.
"If in the future you are reinstated as a member of the church in good standing, you are invited to contact my office regarding your possible eligibility for the awarding of a degree," Finlinson wrote.
I also appreciate the line from the Church official in Las Vegas saying the main reason for Hardy's excommunication was "failure to pay tithing." I generally take an ignore and move on attitude toward the dumber actions of the church, but some one really needs to lose their job and then be dragged from their home and beaten for this.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I don't know who Peggy Noonan is but I know she's a hypocrite.

This is an article in the Wall Street Journal by Peggy Noonan, in which she praises Sara Palin.

A Clear and Present Danger To the American Left

A few xhoice quotes:
[Palin] is a feminist not in the Yale Gender Studies sense but the How Do I Reload This Thang way, because she is a woman who in style, history, moxie and femininity is exactly like a normal American feminist and not an Abstract Theory feminist; because she wears makeup and heels and eats mooseburgers and is Alaska Tough, as Time magazine put it; because she is conservative, and pro-2nd Amendment and pro-life; and because conservatives can smell this sort of thing -- who is really one of them and who is not

She could become a transformative political presence

This is a video of Peggy Noonan not realizing her mic was still on:

A few choice quotes:

It's over.

The most qualified? No.

I think they went for this, excuse me, political bullshit about narratives.

What was the price of your soul Peggy Noonan?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I Hate Newspaper Editors

Headline on UK Times Online:

Kremlin announces that South Ossetia will join 'one united Russian state'

Second paragraph of that artivle:

Tarzan Kokoity, [South Ossetia]’s Deputy Speaker of parliament, announced that South Ossetia would be absorbed into Russia soon so that its people could live in “one united Russian state” with their ethnic kin in North Ossetia.

It seems to me like the headline misrepresents the basic facts of the article.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Links to those webcomics I was talking about

RPG themed:
Irregular Webcomic!
The granddaddy of them all, updates everyday for more than 2,000 days.
{Scene: A dimly lit street in the a starport town.}
Serron: "We get these original organs implanted into ourselves, as spares, hidden behind the stomach or something. Then when we come back from the future to save our past selves, only the replacement organs from our future selves get extracted, and we survive with these ones!"
Iki Piki: "That... almost works. Except it means the organs inside us right now are always in the time loop, and must be infinitely old..."
Serron: "Don't be ridiculous. This is the first time this has happened to us!"
Darths & Droids
Done by the same person as Irregular Webcomic!, using frames from Star Wars instead of home made pictures.
Qui-Gon: Let's see. Electro-axe. Energy mace. "Plasma bow"?? You just took a D&D equipment list and stuck techy words in front, right?
GM: Don't be stupid.
Qui-Gon: Ten foot laser pole...
Later scene
Qui-Gon: All right! So who do we kill?
GM: You're first level. You're just here to negotiate.
Qui-Gon: I can't negotiate with a sword! I need a blaster!

General Humor:
Questionable Content
Like a sitcom but with interesting characters and good writing.

Wondermark: An Illustrated Jocularity
Victorian Art, a Far Side morality, an absurdist and vicious wit.

Customer's entrails are torn from their body and fed to them in a broth of vomit. / BANNER: AUTHENTIC GAXIAN CUISINE! /

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Our charcters met when he walked in on me doing his mom.


Yes it is, it's in my character bio.

That's not a character bio it's a post it note that says "I did your mom."

It just gets better from there.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Everyone is Wrong on the Internet

If you're unfamiliar with the dragoonboob controversy I suggest reading the following threads (if you want your head to explode).
And ofcourse you can't have a giant internet flamewar without metacontroversy threads.
Let me see if I can summarize for you:
  1. WTF? Lizards don't have boobs. It's not realistic. I'm right because I'm smarter than you.
  2. OMG! It's a game it doesn't have to be realistic, and I'm right because I'm smarter than you.
  3. STFU retard! Dragonborn aren't lizards they're mammals with scales.
  4. QFT. I don't have anything meaningful to add but I like to look smart by block quoting someone else's entire post, the bigger the better.
  5. LOL! If they are mammals then why do the lay eggs. I'm so much smarter than you.
  6. OMG! They aren't lizards! They are people created by the dragon gods, therefore boobs are more realistic. Why is my head starting to hurt?
  7. Counter LOL! Everheard of the platapus dumbass? You are so not smarter than me.
  8. OMG STFU! No one cares, if you don't like dragonboobs don't play with them, but I'm right becuase I know a girl who agrees with me. You idiots are giving me a headache.
  9. WTF? Do you even know what you're babbeing about? All the girls I know are totally ofended by dragontits and are refusing to even play 4.0 because of it. It's you thats making my head hurt.
  10. LOL! You guys are so stupid, obviously dragonborn have boobs becuas... oh my god the pain, the pain!
  11. BOOM!!
  12. Splat!
  13. Drip.
  14. OMG! That is so gross my brains are everywhere!
  15. WTF? This must be a punishment from god for you being so stupid.
  16. STFU! It was your stupid arguments that blew our heads up! I'm right becuase 30% of my frontal lobe is still connected to my brain stem.
  17. LOL! I know a brain surgeon and he says our heads blew up because of too much direct sunlight.
  18. Counter LOL! Well I'm a neurologist and I can tell you there is no way any of you guys are right. Dragonborn have boobs for artistic reasons.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

This gem is actually a response to a longer post titled The Demise of Dungeons & Dragons

Eric Hansen — Tue, 2000-08-15 14:51

Rabbitman [original poster], you are right on! WOTC has degraded one of the boundary breaking FRPG's into nothing more than a kiddie game and math class! WOTC is the Disney of RPG companies with its retooling of the world to make it acceptable and politically correct for everyone! Everyone can be a Paladin now. Everyone can be a 99999999999999999th level elf now. Noone need hear the word 'thief' in D&D discussion. Don't worry fighters, you'll advance just as fast as wizards and rogues now. What? Game balance has been destroyed? D&D 3e is nothing more than an RPG video game played on paper? Other than the absence of ability pre-requisites and fun, our game mechanic resembles Palladium's FRPG almost exactly? Our core base of fans that have been with us for twenty years+ feel alienated? Thanks Rabbitman for not being afraid of the Wizards of the Coast who are devouring what is left of the gaming world.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Adventurers unable to make ends meet.

So I recently saw the following on the Gleenmax forums:

The economic rules as written (note the key words) are flawed

I'm proud to say that I managed to not read the thread (the temptation was very strong but I knew how it was going to end). But I did skip to the end and add a concern of my own about the new rules.

The farming rules are also completely unworkable. I mean how are my characters supposed to eat when it is impossible to grow food?

I'm going to leave aside my various problems with invoking “rules as written” and just focus on trying to make D&D into a system for all possibilities. I mean even gurps (which has detailed rules for how much money people earn from their day jobs) does not attempt to address the economy beyond: How much does stuff cost? And how much money do I have? Which I feel is exactly the point to end your simulation.

I was going to bitch about people making other stupid demands of a game system, but I've suddenly decided that it would be more fun to list all the economic questions I (or my friends) have had to consider in a game. At least the funny ones anyway.

Q: What is the cost of enough food to acquire the perfect loyalty of an impoverished street orphan?
A: Pretty damn cheap.

Q: What is worth more $4 million in small bills or limitless hookers and booze?
A:If you do it right the hookers and booze.

Q: What is an appropriate bribe for an ancient dragon accustomed to the worship of a long dead pre-Columbian civilization?
A: All the Nazis it can eat.

Q: How long before secretly buying the inn and charging the other characters for rooms turns a profit?
A: In money? Never.
A: In joy? Immediately.

I would like to point out that “Can I get a 10% discount on a +3 longsword of quick draw?” is not and never will be on that list.

Starting a Blog

Well I suppose I can put the stuff I write on here rather than cluttering my friends inbox with that shit.